I'm Travis Jordan and my pronouns are he/him.I'm a strategy and communications professional and I live and work in Brisbane on stolen Turrbul, Yuggera and Bundjalung lands.I work with governments and public sector agencies to deliver a complete public affairs solution across media, copywriting, advocacy and crisis management —
and help not-for-profit boards design sustainable strategies and meet their advocacy, finance and compliance goals. I help teams develop new ways of visualising their stories and bring a unique political risk instinct to my work.I'm always available to help out with whatever you need done.

projects I've worked on
I work on a lot of stuff for a lot of people and I forget a lot of the things I've done. Here's a few of the things I can remember.
integrity and conflicts of interest - mid 2018 to mid 2019I undertook a comprehensive review of the conflicts of interest framework for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.I synthesised new internal, stakeholder and portfolio agency model policies - along with new processes, guidance, forms, registers and employee training packages - from the Victorian Public Sector Commission's whole-of-government conflicts of interest and gifts, benefits and hospitality directions and the recommendations of inquiries, reviews and investigations across Victorian Government. The process involved dozens of briefs, executive-level consultation across the department, whole-of-government and nearly 100 independent portfolio agencies.I collaborated with Information Services to build a new fully-online smart form to declare private interests, conflicts of interest, gift offers and invitations to events.The final package massively improved compliance with conflict of interest management systems, reduced corruption risks across government and had positive feedback from employees and external stakeholders, especially regarding the reduced administrative burden to report conflicts or gift offers.
public service - late 2018 to early 2019To begin the process of addressing the gaps in the Australian Greens policy platform, I developed a public service policy as the basis of a larger government administration policy. I consulted with the Community and Public Sector Union, our party members working for the Australian Public Service, and the relevant Party Room Spokespeople. The policy and accompanying election initiative were negotiated through each state's policy review process before final negotiation at the Australian Greens Policy Coordinating Committee and the National Conference Plenary Meeting.This new policy shows our party's maturity and its newfound need to consider not just that what's and why's of our policies, but the how's.The policy is available here and the election initiative is available here.
improving abortion access - late 2017 to early 2018I developed a legislative package for to force the Government to accelerate their election commitment to improve access to termination services in the ACT.Health (Improving Abortion Access) Amendment Bill 2018
Explanatory statement, human rights compatibility and consultation notesThe Bill was debated on 19 September 2018 and passed, with some minor technical amendments brought by the Minister for Health and Wellbeing. The debate is available in Hansard (page 3836).The final Bill, including Government amendments and supplementary explanatory statement, is available here.
privacy and consent - early 2017 to early 2018I worked on criminalising "revenge porn" in the ACT as part of the roll-out of the National Statement of Principles on the Criminalisation of Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images.Discussion paper on criminalising invasions of privacy
Crimes (Invasion of Privacy) Amendment Bill 2017
Explanatory statement, human rights compatibility and consultation notesThe final Bill as passed is available here.I later continued my privacy work by rolling out a reform package on consent in sexual violence offences in the ACT.Discussion paper on consent relating to sexual offences
Crimes (Consent) Amendment Bill 2018
Explanatory statement, human rights compatibility and consultation notesOn 8 May 2018, the Justice and Community Safety Committee of the ACT Legislative Assembly initiated an inquiry into this Bill.The Committee presented their report on 31 October 2018, recommending that the Bill not proceed in its current form and any reform wait until the completion of the NSW Law Reform Commission's consent inquiry.
legislating human rights - mid 2016I helped research and write a submission to the Queensland Parliament's Inquiry into a Human Rights Act on behalf of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights. I also project managed a team of volunteer students in developing the submission and coordinated ALHR members in contributing to it.The submission is available here.
jobs I've had
This is a kinda hightech cv or lowtech linkedin depending how you look at it.
These are all the jobs I've had - paid, unpaid, voluntary - plus my education and skills.
DM me for refs.
paid work
Communications Lead at the Office of Stephen Bates MP
September 2023 to ongoing - 1.0fte, contract
I provide a complete media and public affairs service for Stephen Bates MP, Australian Greens spokesperson for Youth and LGBTIQA+ Affairs.
State Media Lead at the Queensland Greens
August 2024 to November 2024 - 1.0fte, secondment
I jumped across to the campaign team to do statewide media management for the 2024 Queensland state election, wrangling media stories up and down Queensland and supporting candidates with communications and risk management.
Director at earthtone strategy
August 2022 to ongoing - self-employed
I run a boutique consulting firm specialising in delivering communications, strategic planning and governance services to arts and advocacy organisations.
Media and Communications Adviser at Melton City Council
August 2022 to September 2023 - 1.0fte, contract
I managed the proactive and reactive media for Council as well as running the public facing side of their state election advocacy campaigns.
Senior Media Adviser at the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
December 2020 to July 2022 - 1.0fte, ongoing
Media Adviser at the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
July 2019 to December 2020 - 1.0fte, ongoing
My work supported the delivery of media support, issues management and advice to groups and ministerial offices. I dealt directly with media outlets and coordinate responses on behalf of the department across all portfolios. I also provided expert strategic, horizon scanning and political advice to executives and built systems and projects to provide real-time insights.
Governance Adviser at the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
June 2018 to June 2019 - 0.8fte, ongoing
My work included writing internal policies in plain English, process visualisation and digitisation, communication planning, risk analysis, strategic planning and preparing briefs. I also worked on board appointments, governance and integrity policy and facilitating ethical decision-making.
Office Manager at the Office of Caroline Le Couteur MLA
January 2017 to June 2018 - 1.0fte, ongoing
My portfolio responsibilities were arts and culture, food security, animal welfare, privacy, electoral reform, renters' rights, and municipal services. I negotiated with Ministers, opposition MPs and community stakeholders. I wrote questions and speeches, and drafted bills and explanatory notes.
Policy Adviser at the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines
November 2016 to January 2017 - 1.0fte, 3mth contract
I worked with the Practice and Standards team to deliver client-facing legal work as well as working on policy, legislation, “Digital Futures” planning, generating client-side process improvements, and researching succession, caveats, and trusts.
Field Organiser at Michael Berkman's campaign for Maiwar
October 2017 to November 2017 - 1.0fte, casualClerk at Craig Ray & Associates, Solicitors
August 2014 to October 2016 - 0.6fte, casualAdministration Assistant at the Australian Institute of Medical Scientists
February 2014 to August 2014 - 0.6fte, 6mth contractAdministration Assistant at Communify Queensland
February 2014 to August 2014 - 0.4fte, casualRetail at Bentley's Camera House
November 2013 to January 2014 - 1.0fte, casualRetail at Stafford Ellinson Menswear
October 2012 to September 2013 - 0.4fte, casualRetail at Real Christmas Trees
October 2011 to December 2011 - 1.0fte, casualBartender at Suncorp Stadium
April 2010 to November 2010 - 0.2fte, casualSales at the University of Queensland
March 2009 to November 2014 - 0.1fte, casualWaiter at La Dolce Vida Cafe
February 2009 to October 2009 - 0.4fte, casualRetail at Wow Sight and Sound
October 2008 to February 2009 - 0.4fte, casual
Lead Organiser at Greater Brisbane
January 2024 to present - elected position, unpaidDirector at Cooperative Power
November 2021 to present - board appointment, non-executive, unpaidDirector and Secretary at Freeplay
July 2019 to present - board appointment, non-executive, unpaidDirector at Digital Rights Watch
June 2022 to October 2023 - board appointment, non-executive, unpaidNational Councillor at the Australian Greens
February 2021 to May 2023 - elected board member, non-executive, honorariaNational Policy Delegate and Policy Steering Committee Member at the Victorian Greens
November 2020 to June 2022 - elected office, non-executive, unpaidNational Policy Coordinator at the Australian Greens
November 2018 to August 2019 - elected office, non-executive, unpaidNational Policy Delegate and Election Strategist at the ACT Greens
November 2017 to November 2018 - elected office, non-executive, unpaidSociety & Democracy Policy Convenor at the Queensland Greens
June 2016 to March 2017 - elected office, non-executive, unpaid
unpaid work
campaigning for housing and planning reform at Abundant Housing Network Australia and YIMBY Melbourne
April 2023 to presentcampaigning for Penny Allman-Payne for the Senate at Queensland Greens
April 2022 to May 2022developing a new state Democracy, Integrity and Government policy at the Victorian Greens
May 2021 to May 2022developing a new national Industry and Manufacturing policy at the Australian Greens
September 2019 to December 2021building a Green New Deal for Australia at the Climate Justice Collective
February 2019 to February 2020campaigning for Adam Pulford for Wills at the Victorian Greens
January 2019 to June 2019campaigning for sustainable urban planning and sustainable cities at the Friends of the Earth
August 2018 to November 2018campaigning for Huong Truong for Western Metropolitan Region at the Victorian Greens
June 2018 to November 2018developing a new national Public Service policy at the Australian Greens
January 2018 to November 2018bargaining for a better deal for all ACT public servants at the Community and Public Sector Union
August 2017 to June 2018campaigning for equal marriage and equal love at the Australian Marriage Equality Campaign
August 2017 to December 2017producing live political panel shows at the New Globe Theatre
October 2016 to August 2017campaigning for Larissa Waters for the Senate at the Queensland Greens
February 2016 to July 2016campaigning for abortion decriminalisation at Young Queenslanders for a Right to Choose
January 2016 to October 2018campaigning for a Human Rights Act for Queensland at Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
January 2016 to January 2017founding and editing a literary journal for humanities students at Jacaranda
July 2014 to January 2016designing an education framework and training young adults at SAIT
September 2012 to November 2015designing city-wide live games at Urban Challenge
January 2010 to December 2012designing peer-led activities for an accessible summer camp at Agoonoree
September 2009 to October 2013writing children's musicals at BGS
January 2009 to July 2016
Admitted as a lawyer at the Supreme Court of QueenslandGraduate Diploma in Legal Practice at Australian National UniversityBachelor of Laws at the University of QueenslandBachelor of Arts (Political Science) at the University of Queensland
vocational training
Facilitation for Community Engagement at Capire Learning LabsQueensland Government Policy Practice at the University of QueenslandCertificate IV in Training and Assessment (partial completion) at SAITCertificate IV in Frontline Management at SAITCertificate III in Leadership Support at SAITCertificate III in Business at SAIT
soft skills
great media instincts
eye for good design in print and web
experienced writer, editor and publisher
community engagement specialist
process and systems thinker
polling and social research design
prioritise risk and compliance—within reason
unique sensitivity for political risks
writing comprehensive process documentation
recruiting and onboarding whole teams
experienced strategic leader for not-for-profits
always on-call and ready
hard skills
Presentation | PowerPoint, Canva | advanced
Desktop design | InDesign | advanced
Project management | AirTable, Notion | advanced
Data processing | Excel | intermediate
Graphic design | Illustrator | intermediate
Document management | SharePoint | intermediate
Web | Wordpress, OpenCities | intermediate
Constituent | NationBuilder | intermediate
Data visualisation | R, arcGIS | want to learn
Data analytics | SQL, PowerBI | want to learn
Audio-visual | Premiere, Pro Tools | want to learn
arts and culture
democracy, elections and government
digital and tech
diversity and inclusion
energy, water and utilities
governance, integrity and administration
housing, planning and cities
industrial relations and workforce planning
how to contact me
I'm available to chat pretty much all the time. I don't mind catching up for a coffee in person if I'm in town or giving you a call if I'm not.If you're looking for my consulting work, check out earthtone.au.

hello. is it me you're looking for
i can see it in your eyes
i can see it in your smile
you're all i've ever wanted,
and my arms are open wide
'cause you know just what to say
and you know just what to do
and i want to tell you so much,you can hop on the blower to me anytime.